This machine allows the individual knotting of bowels with a string made with cotton or/and cotton-polyester after stuffing.
The knot is a capstan type knot.
The knotting can be:
- Single knot with short bind and long bind
- Single knot with 2 short binds
- Tying with loop (loop length from 8 to 15 cm)
- Sausage / salami tying by pair (bind length from 25 to 40 cm)
Machine on small castors.
This machine flexible with many settings allowing to adapt different kinds of strings. Easy to pass from a knot type to another. The bowel surplus is quickly excluded. Ergonomics of the post optimizing the operator’s gestures and movements. Possibility to work with 2 operators.
Possibility to adapt and adjust material according to special requirements of the client.
Product evacuated thanks to an exit belt.
Easy to clean thanks to the design made according to agri-food requirements.
Respect of the security standards.
A screen touch allows a better communication between the operator and the machine with an intuitive interface equipped with a troubleshooting.
Productivity: about 20 knots per minute
Diameter capacity: from 20 to 100 mm
Power: Electric control; hydraulic power, pneumatic and electricity.
Materials: stainless steel and polymer
Alimentary contact: EC1935/2004
Good manufacturing practice: EC2023/2006
Machines: EC2006/42
CEM: EC 2004/108